Saturday, April 18, 2020

Pag-Igpaw Services


During the School Year 2019-2020 the Pag-igpaw services are the Listen Room, Call a Friend, Cell Group Sharing Friday, Monthly Seminars, Reading Corner and the Recreational Area. Upon the enhancement made by the PBL Team, Pag-igpaw Services will take a leap higher as the services are innovated on Four (4) Guidance and Mentoring focused Areas: Kaagapay, Kalinangan, Kalinga, and Kaalaman. Under each areas are the following services:

Guidance and Listening Room

Youth for the Youth
Music Room

Board Games

Reading Corner

Arts and Craft

Nicholasian Praise and Worship Services

Bible Sharing

Start of the Year Seminar of Pag- igpaw Services

Each activity demands certain actions to take for its implementation. Guide for preparation are made to support, record and validate the implementation of the services.

Area 1: Kaagay services aim to support the mental health of the clientele by providing venues for openness and truthfulness in one’s experiences and feelings. The services will provide help by journeying with the clientele, and help all find purpose behind every experience.

Guide for Preparation:
Kaagapay Services
Things to Prepare
The following are necessary to be prepared:
Guidance and Listening Time
Listening area
Daily schedule
Referral form
Log book
Interview notes
Youth for the Youth
Listening Area
Student Peer Facilitator
Daily Schedule
Log book
Area 2: Kalinangan services aim to support the mental health of the clientele by bringing about varied opportunities for relaxation, fun and skill utilization activities which are anti-boredom and stress relieving.

 Guide for Preparation:
Kalinangan Services
Things to Prepare
The following are needed to be prepared:
Music Room
Music Area
Musical instruments
Schedule for daily use
Log book
Reading Corner
Reading corner
Schedule for daily use
Log book
Arts and Craft Area
Arts and Craft Area
Art Materials
Schedule for daily use
Log book
Board Games
Playing Area
Board games
Schedule for daily use
Log book

Area 3: Kalinga services connect spirituality with mental health support by giving sacred time for the clientele to grow in faith, praise, and worship. The service helps to promote inner peace, gospel values and healthy self-esteem.

Guide for Preparation:
Kalinga Services
Things to Prepare
The following are needed to be prepared:
Nicholasian Praise and Worship Service
Program flow
Media tools
Bible Sharing
Program Flow

Area 4: Kaalaman services provide support for the promotion and awareness of mental health among the clientele. The services give informative data and useful tips to maintain a healthy emotional and mental disposition.

Guide for Preparation:
Kalinga Services
Things to Prepare
The following are needed to be prepared:
Start of the Year Seminar of Pag- igpaw Services
Media tools
Program flow/topic

Pag-igpaw during this Time of Pandemic

As usual, we are being challenged to innovation as world seek for health in this time of pandemic. We are under quarantine. The question no...