Saturday, April 18, 2020

Pag-Igpaw Background

The project Pag-igpaw is a response to the challenges of mental and emotional struggles that each one of us might be facing now. A program designed to help in the awareness of mental health with activities and services providing support for people to cope with their mental health struggles.

Pag-igpaw Program was developed and first presented by the students (Mia, Ronald, Xelanna, Pauleen, Rhea, Rosalinda, Angelica, Joy Ann and Lourice) during the CACES Encounter last January 31, 2019 led by Sir Francis Emman Santiago. Last August 07, 2019, Pag-igpaw was launched as a school program with Mr. Argel Bondoc Masanda as our guest speaker on Mental Health Awareness. Ma’am Adelma Libunao Salvador joined as well to tell the story on how the project had been thought of.

Originally, the services are the Listening room/Call a friend where the clientele can open up their problems to professionals or trained individual who can guide and counsel, Cell group sharing Friday where clientele can gather together to share their problems and experiences, Monthly Seminar on matters regarding mental health, and Recreational activities composed of music, arts, board games and reading. After a year, a study is conducted to evaluate and enhance the current services of Pag-igpaw. This is in response to the call of the CACES Encounter 2020 for Project-Based Learning. A new set of student (Girlie, Princess, Mary Rose, Hanz and Jastine) were guided by Sir Francis to conduct the project. The evaluation conducted has found out that some of the services did not reach the intended operation level due to lack of resources, facilities and lack of a system to train and develop students who will supervise and operate the services.

Through modification, the current project aims to enhance the services based on data to answer the problems unresolved during the first year of Pag-Igpaw. The members utilized survey forms in order to gather necessary data. Sample size was taken through the process of margin of error using the Slovin’s formula. 180 respondents were selected to represent the 326 students of St. Nicholas Senior High School. Weighted mean was used to consider the important data values. The frequency distribution in tabulating and presenting data was shown by percentages. Upon interpretation, the members presented enhancements on services and came up with solutions on sustainability and monitoring. The final output was presented to the CACES administrators in-charge of the PBL last January 28, 2020.

Pag-igpaw during this Time of Pandemic

As usual, we are being challenged to innovation as world seek for health in this time of pandemic. We are under quarantine. The question no...